Come along with us to see how we added removable wheels to our chicken coop. Easy to install and easier to remove.

We built a chicken coop a few years ago out of materials we had laying around in our barn. After we built it we realized, while trying to move it into place, it definitely wasn’t light. Our plan was to update it come spring time, which included adding a floor to it. After that we surely wouldn’t be moving it anywhere without some kind of help. And here is when the idea of adding removable wheels to it came into play.
The wheels…
I began where most people would begin looking for inspirational ideas for their upcoming DIY projects… Pinterest. I came across many ideas, but this is the one I had seen and liked. This tutorial here is from I showed it to my husband, he made a game plan and we set off to Harbor Freight and Tractor Supply for the materials.
Materials Needed…
- Drill
- Paddle Bit
- 4 Pneumatic Tires with Wheel Bearing
- 4 Bolts – long enough to go through wood, tire, washers and nut.
- 8 Washers
- 4 Nuts
- Socket – to tight nut down.

Here’s the short instructional video of how we installed the wheels onto the coop.
In the video you see we did add a 2×4 to each area where we placed a wheels. We did this for extra support, since our coop is heavy, and its been sitting directly on the ground. The wood was not in the greatest shape prior to us fixing it up.
The wheels worked like a champ….
This was actually really easy and worked perfectly to get the coop from our shop back to where it goes. These two locations are about half an acre apart, so not super close. With the added weight of the floor, we knew we would need some help moving this back into place and it sure worked.
After we got the coop back into place, my husband removed the wheels. They are ready for the next time if we ever have to move it again.
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